As parents, we want our children to become responsible citizens and make positive contributions to our communities. Teaching children such a complex concept is no small task. This means teaching them to be respectful, compassionate and to have a strong sense of responsibility.
We can begin with gestures of kindness, which come naturally to most children. Remember that like adults, children want to be considered valuable. Let them help care for a pet or younger sibling. Putting a band aid on a brother’s booboo can be a very powerful learning experience.
Compassion and empathy are important skills to develop. Pretending and role-playing will help children get a better understanding on how to put themselves in another person’s shoes. Use everyday situations to talk to your toddler about their feelings. For example: “How do you think your sister felt when you took away her favorite toy?

We can also teach our toddlers to be courteous and polite. Help them remember to say “please” and “thank you”.
Have them divide up a snack into equal parts so they learn about fairness.
Use discipline as a learning opportunity. Don’t just issue a punishment when your child does something wrong; take the time to explain why rules are important and the consequences if they are broken.
Praise your children when they are kind to someone. Use positive words such as caring, thoughtful, compassionate and kind; toddlers will more likely want to be considered helpful as they learn to develop their skills to be good and responsible citizens.
Learning through imitation
Remember that children often imitate the behaviors of their parents or trusted adults. By modeling for your children what it means to be a good neighbor and a good friend, you are teaching them how to be a good citizen. Take a meal to a sick neighbor, help a friend clear the weeds from the garden or pick up litter found on the beach. Many of our children look forward to caring for our communities. We have cleaned up roads, Presque Isle and local parks. This is important because it gives children a sense of ownership and pride.
Teach your children how simple, everyday acts of kindness can add up to make an enormous impact on people’s lives. For your child to truly develop a lifelong care and compassion for others, it has to be nurtured and practiced like any other skill. So, recognize that this process will take time. If you prioritize it with your family and friends, you’ll be impressed by your child’s capacity to be compassionate, respectful, and responsible as they engage with the community around them.
Please share your ideas with us so together we can continue to create a better learning environment for our children!